Thursday, October 14, 2010


I recently purchased 3 DVD’s each with 4 movies on them, not just any movies, but classics like:  Forbidden Planet, Time Machine, Soylent Green, The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon, Strangers on a Train and The Wrong Man just to name a few.  Since I purchased them it has dawned on me that there is no chance in hell that I will ever get to watch them, Because...

I have come down with a bad case of DCOD,  otherwise know as Digital Content Overload Disorder.  It seems that most of my free time is spent sifting through tons of noisy data looking for that one useful fact or funny video.  I just seem to lose focus... (It’s happening to me as I write this post, just way to many things going on at one time.)

In the morning when I boot up a computer I usually find something like 200-300 items (all the blogs I read+) waiting from me in Google Reader, 10-15 updated threads in ADVrider, a few worthy items in Facebook and two email accounts with about 20-30 emails (personal, work related and junk that passed the filter).  That’s just when I boot up, if I’m having a busy day I can easily have 1000+ items in Reader alone before I can look at it.  Of course I can’t leave out the DVR can I?  It’s now digital content also.  The DVR is always full with MythBusters, Dexter, GoodGuys, Warehouse 13, NCIS, NCIS LA, Gears, Extreme 4X4, Horsepower TV, Trucks, Muscle Car TV, Truck U, Two Guys Garage,  The occasional Movie (anything by Tarintino) and the list just goes on.  Did I mention eBay or Craigslist?  Nope, but let me tell you it take though they add a whole other dimension to the DSOD.

All of this Digital Content is of course on top of working for a living, household duties (grass, trash and cooking 1-2 a week), raising a young child (7 year’s old) and commuting 10+ hours a week.

I currently have 2 post for The Pizza Files, 2 post for ScootnArt and a couple of other digital projects cluttering up my brain.  I will try to unload and upload them soon, once that is done I’m going for a bicycle ride, I feel like I’m turning into one of the humans from the movie Wall-E...

I have got to reevaluate my Digital Content and hack some of it off,  I’m missing out on two much of the 2-way communication (no time to leave comments when I should because I have to much data to sift...).  I apologize to all my fellow blogger’s who’s blogs I read (yes I read them, really) but only leave a statistic in Analytics as proof I was there.  I know it’s the positive feedback that keeps one going.  I plan on doing better, and I might get to watch those DVD’s too.


RichardM said...

Give it up. Turn off the computer, turn around and go outdoors. Take a walk, hike, ride, etc. anything that gets you away from the Internet...

(I know what you mean and it's a real challenge.)


682202 said...

Richard, you got that right. I'm stuck at work today so it's hard to get away from it here, but when I leave I shall do my best to go off the grid... I plan to do some star-watching tonight, maybe check out Jupiter. I just have to print out my sky chart before I go home, no need to boot up the laptop that way. Saturday looks like a bicycle kind of day.

Keith - Circle Blue said...

We spent Saturday hiking out at Shaw Nature Reserve. It was great! I hope you managed an "away" day. Jupiter had been complaining about your lack of attention :-)


irondad said...

I know exactly how you feel. Been sharing your pain lately. Got way too many candles lit at once to do any of them justice.

682202 said...

Turned out to be a pretty good weekend. I spent only minuscule time in front of the computer. I got the telescope out and viewed Jupiter and even better Pleiades. Watched The Big Sleep and went for a huff & puff bike ride (the bicycle). I feel pretty good, I will try to get the couple of post out of my head and on the web this week or next and then who knows.

Unknown said...


I use my computer all day at work. sometimes I go home and just leave the laptop alone. Also I am not on line much between friday evening until Sunday evening.

you have to let go of some things and live a simpler less cluttered life and perhaps do some more photography or video.

Wet Coast Scootin

Gary France said...

Give it all up for a while. Use the telephone and your legs, go see people and become a human again. It is all too easy to fall into the digital spin-cycle and struggle to get out of it. I gave my Blackberry away for that very reason - I was reading e-mails and answering them at all hours of the day, night and weekend and I suddenly thought what am I doing? Getting back to basics is refreshing sometimes!

GF said...

Seems we all have the same problem, I work with computers all day and then spend a few hours at night on the computer, I feel your pain :-)
Now I have one more blog to follow, yours :-)