Recently I find myself not riding much. I can give you a long list of excuse's such as my work schedule which causes me to leave home before the sun comes up and leave work long after the sun sets. Or how about "ponding", never heard of ponding? Neither had I, it's what a local highway department calls standing water on the road. My commute seems to have more than it's fair share of ponding. Ponding alone isn't really a good excuse, but when you add temperatures in the 20's and 30's it all adds up to a very wise decision to take the cage. I have know doubt I could probably walk away from a get off caused by one of these "ponds", but don't think I could walk away from the caffeine deprived, talking on the cell phone, texting, eating breakfast and playing with the radio SUV driver that pancakes me with their 22's.

Instead of riding I find my self absorbed in the writings of those who live in more motorcycle friendly climates and searching the interwebs for motorcycle minutia.

For today's post I have found some very small motorcycle minutia indeed. The venerable Monkey has achieved new heights. I could probably park one of these baby's in my garage and my wife would never find it. I can see my self zipping down to the local coffee shop for a cup of joe on the Cafe Monkey. Can't you see it,
a Hi-Vis pretzel on a screaming Monkey. It just makes me smile thinking about it.
The above photos are but only a sample of the screaming Monkey's at
Monkey Tuning, check it out, and the next thing you know you'll be searching
craig's list for that hidden Monkey in your town, such as this
one ready to run in my neck of the woods.
See you on the road.
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I know what you mean about that term "ponding". I don't know who invented that, or why. It just seems a bit strange to me, but is actually pretty descriptive.
That bike looks pretty interesting.
I hadn't heard of ponding before, either. Interesting. Part of riding your own ride is deciding when it works for you or not. If it's wet and below freezing, probably wise to drive.
I'm going to adopt your "Ponding" terminology. Like yourself, I also leave home before sunrise and return after sunset. There is too much frost in the mornings to even consider the commute. I don't mind the cold, it's just the ice, frost, freezing fog I want to keep away from.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
I guess that "Ponding" which is shorter than typing "Standing water" by 7 keystrokes adds up over a years time improving overall efficiency. The only references I have been able to find have been on local government web-sites.
I have to admit I do like riding this time of year if for no other reason than giving a little nod to pickup trucks covered with the motor company stickers. But even that small bit of enjoyment is out weight by the potential icy ponds. Ride your own ride, the only way. GAW
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